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Civic Innovation Platform - Civic Coding – Innovationsnetz KI für das Gemeinwohl

Civic Innovation Platform

The Civic Innovation Platform (CIP) by the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs networks and promotes stakeholders from various fields and sectors. They want to enable as many people as possible to use AI technologies for societal and social innovations. Through the CIP ideas contest and the CIP funding guidelines, project groups can receive financial and non-financial support for their AI ideas and projects related to labour and social policy.

Goal and target groups

CIP focuses on the exchange between different disciplines, sectors and fields – openly, on a level playing field and aimed at applicable solutions. Whether you are an individual, a start-up, a research institution or a public body – anyone with an interest in developing and implementing AI ideas and projects for the common good can participate.


What we offer

CIP supports the joint development and use of AI applications with labour and social policy relevance at two funding levels:
Firstly, the CIP ideas contest “AI is what we make it!” sets in at an early stage: It supports the further development of AI ideas for the common good into viable concepts both financially and ideationally.
Secondly, the financial support under the framework of the “Civic Innovation” funding guideline enables the implementation of AI projects.

Impressions of the project

Contact the Civic Innovation Platform team

Policy Lab Digital, Work & Society
German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
Wilhelmstraße 49
10117 Berlin


Phone: +49 800 / 808 11 20 (Monday to Friday, 9 am to 6 pm)


Further Civic Coding anchor projects

  • Icon Civic Data Lab

    Civic Data Lab

    The Civic Data Lab, from the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ), supports civil society in collecting, using and sharing data.

  • KI-Ideenwerkstatt


    The ECO AI LAB, from the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV), is a one-stop shop for anyone interested in using digital tools, data analytics and artificial intelligence to protect the environment.